Monday, September 15, 2008

Exercise #18 YouTube

I had a look at the Videos which had the hypertext links from the exercise. That demonstrated that videos could be of varying lengths of time. Once I used the search facility I realised there were an enormous number of videos on a wide variety of subjects. I had heard a radio interview with an ornithologist who described how crows in New Caledonia could make "tools". He said he had put a video on YouTube. I was intrigued, so tried a search for "crows" Sure enough, there was a video showing how a crow made a hook to retrieve an item from out of a container!
I then looked at videos on the subject of libraries and librarians. Conan the Librarian was "how not to attract patrons to the library" as was the Angry Librarian. Terrible publicity for libraries, especially when they are available for the public to view ! I didn't think too much of the Iowa library students video either. The Super Librarian was a great advertisement -colourful graphics, enthusiastic commentator and good photographs of the library would encourage people to visit.
The ability to show people in action on a video makes
YouTube videos very useful as tools for training-to demonstrate good customer service (and bad) in the environment of the library.

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