Saturday, September 6, 2008

Exercise #12 Sandpit (2)

I had to try attaching my blog address to the Favourites blog several times as I had a problem getting the cursor to register at the end of the list. Finally I placed the cursor at the end of the previous person's blog title and used the Enter key to get the cursor to move down to the end of the list. having used the Ctrl C and then V to place my blog address at the end of the list, which instruction did I use to get it to be published on the list? Should I use a link icon? I clicked on Save and voila -there it was!! Now I know, next time it will be easy!!

1 comment:

NSL Training Support Team said...

Try Ctrl+End - the cursor should move to the end of the last text on the page. Yes, you use the link icon to add an active link, similar as you would do with the Fitch and click on Save.